One Photo; One Story: 1230 WBVP

May 25, 1948. 70 years ago 1230 WBVP began broadcasting in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. Five of those 70 years, I was a young broadcaster there full of hope, desire, and dreams.
They let me get my hands on everything. There were a few times I made mistakes and some of them were absolute disasters. They had the patience to let me learn from my mistakes as long as I was giving it my best effort. Believe me, I was.
I did morning radio on Kiss 107, the noon sports on 1230 WBVP, sports talk shows, community talk shows, remotes, high school basketball and football play by play, and feeble attempt at hockey. I even rode an elephant at the circus for the radio station.
Every time the microphone was “live”, I tried to deliver the most I had. Some of those broadcasts were elementary and raw, through it all my colleagues and friends kept pushing me. I was able to hold those skills together to begin a major market career at WBZZ, Pittsburgh, The legendary B94.
Friday, May 25, 2018, I will be there in the Beaver Valley and gather with the broadcasters from all these years to say Happy Anniversary; my old friend. Thank You for nurturing me and giving me the tools to continue what I do to this very day.